

Why does gratitude mater?

  • Being grateful puts life into perspective

  • In gratitude we appreciate what is right in front of us

  • Through a grateful lens, what we take for granted elevates to a place of appreciation.

  • Knowing what makes us grateful enables us to celebrate the present


What are the benefits of being grateful? 

  • Allowing gratitude transforms scarcity into abundance.

  • Embracing gratitude highlights and heightens the best parts of our day.

  • Filling our minds with gratitude lifts our spirits and increases happiness.

  • Joy expands in a state of gratitude.

  • Gratitude allows our senses to take in more and multiply the good

  • Gratitude will enable us to remember the contribution that others have made in our life

  • Based on scientific studies, gratitude can:

  • Strengthens our immune systems.

  • Lowers our blood pressure

  • It makes us feel more alert and alive


Ways to Maintain a Sense of Gratitude in Your Life

  • Make a written commitment to engage in a daily vow of gratitude & post as a visual reminder in a location that will be a daily reminder

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal –Each day, write three or more reasons why you are grateful.

  • Spread gratitude with words of appreciation for the people who contribute to your life, from family members to service providers.

  • Select a gratitude meditation, prayer, poem, or quotation that can serve as an on-going inspiration.

  • Contribute to someone’s life with an act of kindness or a donation to a cause as a reflection of all the reasons why you are grateful


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