
If allowed, fear can be one of the biggest impediments in our lives. Fear has the pervasive ability to take over our thoughts, distorts our rationale, and can prevent us from executing the beneficial change in our life. This adversary can surface with the slightest provocation. While in its grip, one’s coping mechanisms can be reduced to surrendering to destructive and negative feelings, can cause someone to abandon their most cherished dream, and adversely impact our physical and psychological health.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

As defined in Phycology Today, “Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger that has been pivotal throughout human evolution, but especially in ancient times when men and women regularly faced life-or-death situations.”

What we need to embrace is that fear is unavoidable. All of us, at some point, are going to have to grapple with this emotion. When it comes to fear, we need to draw a line in the sand and consciously decide how we will manage its presence, especially those not living in a daily struggle of life or death. 

Over the years, I have allowed fear to deliver more than one blow to my psyche, but as I began to explore experiences beyond my comfort zone, fear became a regular companion. I had to learn mechanisms that would allow me to create a new relationship with this opponent.  

One solution was to stand firm, accept the discomfort that comes with the emotion, and stubbornly refuse to surrender to the adverse effects. Each time I successfully moved past fear and achieved a goal, the less rattled I was by its appearance. Then I built a reinforcement system of inspirational phrases posted strategically in key viewing areas, such as, “fear is a companion of growth” or “don’t be afraid to be afraid.” I found these phrases encourage me in my quest to keep moving forward. Over time, an adjustment in perspective resulted in fear becoming a positive confirmation that I was successfully moving toward a new horizon. 

Additional options for counteracting fear are as follows:

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
  • When gripped with fear, use deep breathing exercises to generate calm and then take one small step to counteract what you fear. 

  • Acknowledge current feelings of discomfort, and then remember those times in your life that, despite fear, you were able to move forward. 

  • Re-direct your thoughts with a change in scenery. Immersing yourself in nature or take a walk around your neighborhood.

  • Listen to music that elevates your mood and inspires you to access positive feelings. 

  • Utilize a guided meditation that promotes tranquility and well-being.

  • Move your thoughts beyond fear by generating a state of gratitude by writing a list of what you are grateful for 

**As a practice, maintain a list of achievements and experiences that evoke pride. A perfect list to review when a boost in spirits is needed.

Never let fear rob you of a life you would love living!


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